Johann Straus II - Vergnügungszug (Pleasure Train), op. 281

Johann Strauss II , known for his waltzes and lively compositions, had a unique approach to his creative process. He consistently sought contemporary and relevant themes to serve as the driving force behind his new musical compositions. This approach ensured that his work remained fresh and connected with the audiences of his time.  One notable instance of this creative approach was the composition of this polka, composed in 1864. This piece of music was specifically crafted for a summer concert held in the picturesque Russian town of Pavlovsk. It's fascinating to note that Strauss drew inspiration for this composition from the world around him. In this case, he found it in the emerging technology of the time, namely, the steam locomotive. The composition itself is a testament to Strauss's ability to capture the essence and energy of the subject matter. The rhythm of this dance piece mirrors the rhythmic chugging and movements of the old-fashioned steam trains that were prevale

Johann Strauss II - "Frühlingsstimmen", Op. 410 ("Voices of Spring")

Originally written as aria in order to accompany a famous Italian soprano "Voices of Spring" did not make a good impression on the Viennese audience, who found the work mediocre and the melody vague. On the contrary, they met with widespread popularity abroad. 

The dance became popular in Vienna when Johann Strauss II decided to orchestrate it for concertos and among his many admirers was the famous pianist and composer Frantz Liszt.

After the rhythm of the waltz is introduced by the bass, the woodwinds, with the support of the entire orchestra, slide into a lyrical melody full of trills, gllisanti and other musical decorations. Then the music incorporates the gentle rustling of the leaves, distant hunting horns and sweet singing of birds.

Sometimes the music moves gently and slowly in an almost sad mood, before re-rocking with magnificence to a joyful purpose and then evolving into the wonderful climax of the end.
